Assessed Value Look-Up

The review perio​d is closed.​ ​

Obtain the 2024-25​ roll assessed​ values for a secured parcel by entering the Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) on Assessed Value Lookup (AVL).

Please Note: the Assessed Values shown in AVL are updated twice a year, at the end of June and in mid-September. Property owners are encouraged to check their values again before the review and appeal f​iling deadlines. 

How Do I find my Assessor's ​Parcel Number (APN)?    ​

What do these figures say about my property's assessed value? ​

  • The column "This Year's Prop 13 Assessment" is the property's 2024-25 factored Prop 13 value. 
  • The column "This Year's Assessment" represents the assessed values that your 2024-25​ tax bill will be based upon.

If the two columns do not match, your property is in a temporarily reduced assessment status known as Prop 8 D​ecline In Value.

(Reference CA Rev. & Tax. Code 619 & 621;  Sacramento Co. Res. 2013-217) 

Please Note: The results of some calculations on this page may not be exact due to rounding.  Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our data application.  Please report any anomalies to assessor@sac​

Direct Levy special assessment amounts shown on your property tax bill are not affected by Prop 8 Decline In Value reductions.  

Property assessed on the Unsecured tax roll:  If you are inquiring about business property, boats or aircraft assessed on the Unsecured roll, please see Business Personal Property.

Reviews and Appeals  ​

If you believe that "This Year's Assessment" total is higher than your property's market value as of January 1, there are two ways to dispute the assessed value:

  1. Informal review by the Assessor's Office, or
  2. Assessment Appeal

Informal Review

You may request an inform​​a​l​ review​​​​​ between July 1​ and December 31*.  There is no cost for this service. 
An appraiser will review the assessment and market value of your property, and determine whether it should be reduced. Due to staffing and workload issues, this may take several months.  You will be notified of the results.
If the Assessor's Office determines a reduction is appropriate, then a roll change will be processed.  If you disagree with the outcome of the review and November 30* has not passed, you can file an assessment appeal.  See below for appeal filing information.

You must still pay any property tax bills timely to avoid penalties, pending outcome of the review.

 *If the final filing date falls on a weekend, mail postmarked the next business day shall be deemed on time.

Assessment Appeal
($30 filing fee)
Filing period is July 2 through December 1. Contact the Assessment Appeals Board at 700 H Street, Room 2450; Sacramento, CA 95814, call (916) 874-8174​, or visit the Appeals Board web site.

Revenue & Taxation Code Section 1607 provides that, if upon review of the application, the Assessor, the county legal officer and the applicant agree to a reduction in value, then a written stipulation signed by those parties may be filed with the Assessment Appeals Board.  In such cases, the applicant is not required to attend the scheduled hearing or to testify to the property’s value.  At that stipulation hearing, the Assessment Appeals Board may either accept the stipulation and the matter is closed, or they may reject it and schedule a new hearing which the applicant will be required to attend.

​You must still pay any property tax bills timely to avoid penalties, pending outcome of the appeal.
